Sponsoring the Third International Oil Shale Conference in Balqa Applied Sciences

Sponsoring the Third International Oil Shale Conference in Balqa Applied Sciences

Sponsoring the Third International Oil Shale Conference in Balqa Applied Sciences


The Vice President of Al-Balqa Applied University, Dr. Musa Abu Orabi, sponsored the activities of the Third International Oil Shale Conference. Abu Orabi, in the presence of researchers from Estonia, Germany, and Morocco, and representatives of entities and companies supporting the conference, and university students, reaffirmed the university’s interest in holding specialized scientific conferences, and its keenness to provide full support to all researchers, support and hold scientific conferences, and provide means of care and attention to advance and develop scientific research in Various fields , praising the importance of holding the conference, which is considered one of the global conferences adopted by few countries. He said, “utilizing oil shale in Jordan is considered a strategic option as it is a local source and we are the ones who control it despite its known diverse environmental impacts” pointing to the availability of large quantities of oil shale rocks, which are estimated at more than 70 billion tons. As He encouraged Jordan to build the first station in Jordan to produce electrical energy. Abu Orabi called on researchers to conduct experiments to benefit oil shale in several fields, including producing oil from oil shale through distillation processes and utilizing oil shale ash in cement production. He provided researchers from various countries with an overview of Al-Balqa Applied University, which is a prominent source of scientific researches, and it works to seeks to attract support for scientific projects and is keen to perform its researches function alongside its educational function due to its importance in the progress and development of society. In turn, the conference president, Dr. Omar Al-Ayed, indicated that the conference’s research papers will be published in an international journal specialized in oil shale, dealing with burning rock and extracting oil from oil shale and using it as an alternative to petroleum, in addition to using the rock ash resulting from the burning process in the cement industry or benefiting from it in extracting some globally rare technological elements, as he appreciated the role of the university and the companies and entities supporting the conference, namely: the Attarat Power Company and the Arab Potash Company.