Attarat Power Company with Local Contractors for Ramadan Charity Drive

Attarat Power Company with Local Contractors for Ramadan Charity Drive

Attarat Power Company with Local Contractors for Ramadan Charity Drive

22 April, 2024

Attarat Power Company (APCO), in collaboration with its local contractors, is distributing Ramadan charity packages to support underprivileged families in the Um Ar-Rassas region. This annual initiative reflects APCO’s commitment to serving the local community through its CSR program.

“This year’s campaign is particularly impactful thanks to the support of our local contractors, we specifically thank Tareeq Al Hakaya, Hima for environment & management consulting, IOS solutions, and other contractors in supporting our initiative ” said Ms. Nour Maaitah, PR & CSR Lead. “Their contributions allow us to reach more than 400 families in need during this holy month.” said Mr Bader Al Neif, Head of PR & CSR.

About Attarat Power Company

Attarat Power Company is a leading energy company in Jordan. It’s the largest inward foreign investment into Jordan, creating over 1,000 jobs and utilizing indigenous oil shale resources for energy security.
