How Attarat Plant Benefits Jordan
- 1st oil shale Power Plant & oil shale Mine in Jordan.
- Provides 470 MW (net) baseload power to NEPCO under 30 years PPA with a competitive tariff and minimum linkage to global oil price.
- The Plant contributes towards Jordan’s long-term energy security and independence.
- Reduces Jordan’s dependency on imported oil and gas resource and hence, the fuel import bill and outflow of foreign exchange.
- The plant participates in not less than 15% of the Country peak demand and it gives more stability for the national grid.
- APCO is responsible for its own fuel and water supply.
- Largest private investment to Jordan, USD 2.1 billion.
- 1st oil shale fired Power Plant & Mine in the world financed using limited recourse debt financing.
- More than 100 local Jordanians contractors, subcontractors and suppliers were involved in the project phase and muti contractors are involved in the Plant and the Mine operation.
- The Plant provides for over 1,500 direct & indirect jobs opportunities for Jordanians over 30 years.
- APCO pays back different costs to the Government of Jordan looks like underground water supply cost, back energization power for the Station loads and Mine loads, Oil Shale cost, taxes, other applied fees and etc.
- Kick-starts Jordan’s nascent oil shale industry, leading to better understanding of the local resource and more opportunities in the sector. The plant and the Mine have set an example for next investments in the Oil Shale in Jordan which facilitates the applying of respective laws, by-laws and procedures to the Oil Shale Industry in Jordan.
- All generated emissions and dust are monitored by the Ministry of Environment (MoE) in Jordan – online monitoring is being established- and the emissions are below the maximum allowable limits as defined in the respective by-Laws and instructions in Jordan and worldwide.